Supporting Futures Ltd

Julie Collings qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1983. Working as a Paediatric Nurse and then as an Oncology Nurse for over 15 years. During this time Julie supported and cared for young people and adults through very difficult and stressful times in their lives.

Julie also supported and offered counselling to patients and their families.

Julie felt a passion to work with vulnerable young people with learning difficulties and Autism. Julie also carried out work in an EBD School. 

Julie’s passion to help underprivileged and vulnerable young people developed to her actively striving to achieve and make a difference to vulnerable young people’s lives.

In 2009 Julie set up the first home- Alexandra House.

Supporting Futures since then has steadily developed with the need of further Children’s Homes.

Supporting Futures has a strong ethos where Children’s needs come first, Children are at the centre of everything we do.

We understand there will be times when Children and Young people are facing challenges, Managing Trauma, it is important that Young People have experienced and Skilled professionals Caring for them who will support them in their times of Crisis.

Supporting Futures have a group of 7 Fantastic Managers who lead our individual services they ensure the ethos of the company is filtered through to every Young Person and Residential Staff Member.

Registered Managers ensure that their Children’s Homes are delivering high levels of Quality Care provided by Skilled and Experiences staff teams.

Ryan Dever is the company Operations Manager – Ryan joined Supporting Futures in 2015. Ryan is very experienced within the sector working within a variety of roles over 19 years.

Ryan supports the Registered Manager’s and their Services day to day alongside supporting the Responsible Individual Julie with Quality Assurance and development of the Business.

Our Services

Alexandra House

Emily House

Norbury Court

Joanne House

Woodland House

Leigh House

Hemlock House

Frederick House

Harlow House


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